Saturday, July 26, 2008

The curse of introspection

The best thing about travelling alone is that you have to be more outgoing in order to meet people. You talk to people more than usual, you go to places with complete strangers, you look after people´s stuff for them, you share food, its all very communal and cool. But when thats all done and dusted and there is only you, you start thinking....

I think thinking too much about yourself and your life is one of the greatest burdens we can create for ourselves. It achieves nothing, it wastes valuable braincells and it creates a feeling of inertia that is completely disempowering. Since travelling by myself I have been thinking way too much about everything and coming up with nothing. So I have been writing in my journal lots, smashing some stuff out in the blog, continuing to write bad poetry and above all, am trying to live in the moment, enjoy my beautiful surroundings in Antigua and the people that I have in my life.

Already I have a little family here in Antigua. Its nice to know the people around you and to be able to speak with them in spanish. I have been having great conversations with Jeremy who is 6 and is the hostel owners son. I guess because my spanish is equivelent to that of a 6 year old we are quite compatible. He tells me about school, his teacher, his girlfriend and sometimes I have no idea what the hell he is talking about but he is so damn cute I just nod and say si si si!!! So I am well taken care of, am feeling tranquilo and am using my brain for the first time in months it seems...

In a week it will be time to move on. To where, I dont I am getting there, no idea...the question mark remains but with the sense of anticipation that good things await!

More later...

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