Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hellllooooo Central America!

So we have been in Mexico for three days and so far so good!

We started off by reuniting with our good mate Nikki from Brighton, who we met first in Chile, then in Argentina and now in Mexico. Its great to be back together! Our introduction to Mexico was via Mexico City, a massive city which we barely saw. But we did meet 2 hot Dutchmen and managed to have some cold beers and good conversation with before we took off...

We have a rough itinerary planned - a loop through Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, following some recommendations from our Irish brothers Jim and Eoin. Its fucking hot and humid like you wouldnt believe - there is steam instead of air. We are getting curious looks from the locals but not in an intimidating way which is cool.

I managed to make a full recovery from my bout of tonsilitis and am back on the good food, lots of fruit and vegetarian burritos. Are these good for you? I dont care! Thing is I am back in the saddle and ready to throw myself into travelling again..think I just needed a break...

This is a boring post!


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