Monday, June 30, 2008

Dream Reading

We have been in Mexico for a few days now and my dreams have come back to me in full force. It seems that whenever we hit a new place my subconcious is out of control although on the surface I am calm, chilled, happy and almost without a worry in the world. And I know its boring to share dreams but its something I have done all my life and I have found some comfort in learning how to analyse them and make even the smallest amount of sense out of them.

In the dream I was in a house, on a cliff, overlooking an amazing beach. The walls were glass from floor to ceiling and I was standing there watching the huge waves breaking onto the shore. They were huge, really powerful waves, coming from nowhere, and then BOOM, smashing into the sound. I stood there, almost in a trance, watching and waiting until I saw it - a huge killer whale came from within a wave, surging upwards through the crest of the wave, then as the wave broke, it breached through the top and did a backwards dive into the ocean behind it. I was in disbelief that I saw it - and almost thought I had imagined it. Then it happened again and this time it was with more power than before. I was in the room with a faceless guy and I yelled for him to come check this out! He came over to the window and we waited until we saw the whale again. Some time passed and nothing else happened....we watched and waited....and nothing. Then someone ran from the beach up to the house and yelled out to us that a huge killer whale had beached itself on the sand and was dying and we had to come and help. I felt a huge sense of loss and panic for I knew the whale was going to die. And then I woke up.

According to dream analysis, water in dreams symbolises the emotions and the state of the water reflects the state of your emotions. So in the dream the ocean was calm and serene but with huge powerful waves that were almost scary in how strong they were. In the waves was this whale, a mystical and magical creature that to me represents something within my emotions that can immerge without warning, but that has the ability to sabotage itself within a moment. And the feeling that I had when the whale had beached itself was just sickening, like I knew it all along...

So there´s a little bit of self indulgent rambling for ya. I wrote this mainly to document the dream because it was freaky! Make of it what you will dear readers....

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