Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Breathing Underwater

is what I am about to do for the first time in one hour when I hit the water for my Open Water Dive Course! I am in Utila, Honduras at the moment, another idyllic island paradise with crystal clear water, white sand and a laid back pace...I have always wanted to dive but have always been too scared, so now the reality is upon me that I am doing it!

I hit Honduras with a bang a few days ago. We made the trip from Guatemala across the border, stopping for food at a street side buffet where I ate beans and rice, eggs and tortillas. I dont know if it was that or just a virus but 6 hours later I was driving the porcelain bus in my hotel room, violently throwing up with extreeeeme stomach cramps. I love the human body. It really has a beautiful way of telling you the truth about whats going on inside...I am recovered but it took a couple of days. But now I am here and I am feeling good again, although its farking hot and humid and does nothing for my hair.

I should write more now but I have to go get ready to dive! Wish me luck...

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