Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Countdown is on!

Back to the world of blogging! I love it!

My last blog Salad Days ended with a countdown so it is only fitting that this one begins with one.

I am heading overseas in approximately 7 weeks and there is a shit load of stuff to do. On the list is set up some sort of online thing that I can record my trip and also have my mates take a look at when they are bored. Fuck Facebook, this is the real deal and is a medium I have always felt comfortable with.

While we are on the subject of Crackbook, the reason I am so anti is that as much as I love technology, I am actually an old school kind of girl and "online social networking" is ruining people's ability and even need to communicate with each other. If you want to give me a poke, well do it properly! The people in my hood don't even say hello to each other in the street so how come they are all 'poking' each other online?

Anyway, so lots to do before I go and once I do, I want to record it all. Nothing worse than receiving group "Wish you were here!" emails from your mate in Uzbekistan who is having a raging good time while you are at work, slogging away at the same old stuff, drinking Nescafe and watching the clock until you can leave.

So if you care to log on every now and again to stay up to date with Tate, please do.

Plus, this will give me something to do late at night when I am watching David Letterman and listening to the bats outside doing - whatever it is that bats do in trees...

Today is Valentines Day. If you could have anyone in the world as your Valentine today, who would it be?

For me its a tough contest between Jonas Armstrong and K-Rudd.

Remember: Love is a verb. Love is a doing word.

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