Monday, September 8, 2008

Fuck I am bored

I am waiting for a plane.
It leaves in 5 hours.
There is nothing to do in Panama City except go to giant malls, eat in the food court and buy shit you dont need.
The Crocodile and I have been sitting in the gutter outside the hostel, drinking a 60c beer, watching the clock until we can go to the airport. He is downloading songs off the internet and dancing for me in the street.

This is the downside of travelling. The waiting around, taking some crap bus somewhere known as ¨Fuckland¨, getting to another crap place and 12 hours later arriving at your destination tired, irritable, hungry and sweaty. Its taking cold showers for 3 months straight, getting an intestine infection from eating street food and being eaten by mosquitos. There are many things to complain about on the road.

But you know what?

Beats working!

Happy Birthday Sal. Today my beautiful sister is the ripe old age of 25. I wish I was there to celebrate with you Tatey. Actually, I wish you were here to celebrate with ME!!!

More to come when we hit Colombia.


Monday, September 1, 2008


Wow, just realised its been a month since I wrote last! This is a good thing - means I am having way too much fun to reflect on my journey. It also means a slow and expensive internet connection.

So the summary of the last month is as follows:

I have been in 4 countries in the last 5 weeks including Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Tomorrow I am going to Panama and am heading south to Columbia and then back to Argentina. This is totally the wrong way ie. I should be going to Europe. But the head is not in control anymore people (was it ever?) ...

In the last 5 weeks I have learnt many things:

1. I am not a scuba diver. The end of the Breathing Underwater story is that I went diving, could do everything except enjoy being underwater. Think of being in a coffin and being burried alive. Thats how I felt diving. Nope, no mas, not for me...

2. How to ride a motorbike. Yay! Lots of fun, even if it was only in a paddock.

3. How to drive a 4WD off road in a foreign country. Another awesome experience!

4. That seeing whales in the wild is one of the most breathtaking experiences ever.

5. Costa Ricans are easily the friendliest of the Central American people

6. That I miss my mates and my family back home, but I dont miss home.

7. How much I admire my new friends that I have met while travelling. Shout outs to Chris in New Orleans who is waiting for Hurrican Gustav to hit. If you want to read something really interesting then check his blog Also, big love to El as to he continues his journey...

and a million tiny things that no one will find interesting!

Have lots more to write about but this place is fucking expensive and there is a crazy guy abusing his girlfriend in Spanish on Skype!!!!